
Rowan Celebrant and Coach Services


View a celebration in the countryside


There are many milestones in our lives.  From welcoming a new born into our families with a baby naming,  the joining of two people with a handfasting to the final farewell at the end of a loved one’s life with a funeral ceremony.

Not forgetting special occasions that we may wish to mark such as the arrival of a new pet or companion animal or moving into a new home or starting a new career.

I will work with you to create that special ceremony that you and your loved ones will remember for years to come. Rowan is a member of the Association of Independent Celebrants

If you would like to find out more book a free exploratory call.


We all must face end of life. As we are all born so will shall die and we will experience many deaths before we die yourselves. There are many reasons that you may find it difficult when a loved one dies. You may feel inadequate and embarrassed. You may be feeling that you are not handling your feelings well and you are not “normal”. We all grieve differently and there isn’t one correct way.

I walk alongside you in your journey through the wilderness of your grief. Whether you are grieving a loss have started your journey of dying. I work to build a trusting relationship with you where you feel safe to express anything and everything. This is the most important issue when exploring end of life issues.

If you would like to find out more book a free exploratory call.

A lone man walking in a misty wood
Two pairs of hands holding a heart


Our culture avoids talking or even acknowledging issue around and about death.  Yet we all will die and experience the deaths of loved ones pets and companion animals in your life time.

I help to bridge the gap between the medical and care team.  I help to provide the dying person a safe space for them to talk openly and frankly about their death and fears.

I can help with the practical end of life matters such as getting a will written,  the planning of funerals and celebrations of life. Work with your care team and offer respite for your family and loved ones.

As a doula I work to bring back the sacredness of death and dying helping to bring deep meaning to the dying experience and to prepare you for the last breath and the passing over to whatever if anything that happens after death.  Birth is a miracle and death is a mystery.


If you would like to find out more book a free exploratory call.


I offer focused workshops looking at a single topic in depth over one or two days.

Have a look at my workshop page for further information.


A group of people attending an outdoor workshop
A man sat outside a tent camping in the woods


Coaching is more than just the laying out of plans. As a trauma-sensitive yoga teacher and tantric practitioner, I bring into coaching the body, mind and soul connection. We often hold emotions within the body. How do you respond to different emotions? Is there a tightness somewhere? A sense of warm or chill?

Working with the whole body, looking at how nutrition and exercise improve your mood and calming the mind with mindfulness is known as somatic coaching. I see you as a whole, not just parts.

If you would like to find out more book a free exploratory call.


When you’re discussing complex issues it helps to have someone outside of the business facilitating. Working with a neutral person helps the meeting to flow in a constructive manner.

Facilitation does not seek to lead the group, nor does it try to distract or to entertain. By providing a different interpretation, the facilitator focuses specifically on how a group is engaged in experiential learning. It can help a group to make a decision, solve a problem, or simply exchange ideas and information.

If you would like to find out more book a free exploratory call.

A tree representing people working together

Supporting your journey